DL for EEG in real-time with Jetson Nano

Some technical details about JNEEG device available in our paper in arxiv from today.

JNEEG Jetson Nano Nvidia low-cost device to measure EEG, EMG, EKG

JNEEG was created specially for the task of using Machine learning and Deep learning to make signal processing and feature extraction for EEG signals and other bio signals.

We try to make our research as transparent as possible, so we publish it in the archive, the code is on GitHub and examples of use are on YouTube.

Internal noise for JNEEG lies within 1 µV. We realized several tests for reading EEG signals for the presence of the simplest artifacts – chewing and blinking. These artifacts are easy to use for testing a developed EEG device. In our experiments, the blinking and chewing artifact was strongly distinguished against the background of the EEG signal.

Artifact test. The process of measuring chewing and blinking artifacts using dry electrodes (Fz). a – Chewing occurred in the following sequence: 4 times, 3 times, 2, and 1 time, and b – the same for the blinking process. The y-axis is the processed EEG signal after passing filter bands of 1-40 Hz in microvolts and with 250 samples per second


In the connection between Jetson Nano’s computational capabilities and its potential as a BCI for biodata collection in one setup offers a promising avenue. This approach can enables Jetson Nano to serve both as a robust computing tool and a biodata acquisition device, facilitating streamlined and cost-effective solutions.

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