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Interesting SD Card Failure

Hello everyone,

I have recently gone through what I expected to be a hardware failure with the PiEEG-8 or a power supply issue, but after a few days of troubleshooting, I have discovered an interesting issue that isn't really related to the PiEEG itself, but it may help you.

My SD card had appeared to have failed in specific regions where the SPI drivers were stored, and they had corrupted or broken in some way that had essentially turned it into a read-only state. It allowed the Pi to appear to be completely functional, and able to send a signal to the PiEEG and turn on the light indicating the PiEEG was functioning, but it would not allow the Pi to receive data from the PiEEG.

I'm still not entirely sure how it happened, but all it took was replacing my SD card, restoring an image from a backup, and everything worked correctly.

PiEEG has reacted to this post.

Thank you so much Moth, it is quite useful information for us!