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Impedance check?


Is it possible to do impedance check with PiEEG-16, to see if electrodes have good contact or if they need adjustment/more gel? I have skimmed through the code, and have not found any examples of this.


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Hi Alex, it is possible to measure impedance (with low accuracy) according to ADS1299 

Previously I had this functionality in the script, but since accuracy of detection was low I removed it. I'll check again and try to add a script for this


Thanks a lot for the answer! In the link you posted it looks like there was no answer on TI forum, but the problem formulation was quite similar - rough estimation whether electrodes sit well enough.

By the way, would your active electrodes be compatible with PiEEG-16, and would they improve signal quality in that case?

Hi Alex, thank you for your understanding.

Active electrodes that were mentioned by us are not available in the market, currently, it is difficult to produce them. But generally yes should be.

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