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Help with data communication from ArduEEG to python script.

Dear Sirs, good afternoon, hoping that you are well, I would like to tell you that I need a little help... I am trying to receive the data coming from my ArduEEG to my python script, but every time I have to enter the IP of the board to the python script, it seems that it changes with each disconnection that I make since I have to modify this data. the last IP I had on the arduino R4 Wifi board was 192.168. 1.30, I modified that data on the board and when I ran it again with the updated data in the python script I only got the initial base reading of 0 connection, I start to see my internet service and I see that apparently my board changed to the ip 192.168. 1.116, is there a way to keep the ip to receive a continuous signal without changing this data every time... I think that is the problem I have by not receiving any signal in the script.



PiEEG has reacted to this post.

Hello Bennetash, thank you for your message, have you checked if your port is free on your laptop? maybe it is occupied by other devices

In my case, it always work, with the next IP and PORT

UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 13900
data_lenght = 1350

