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Create a new daily-use BCI to pacient

Hello, alongside my study of datasets I find with EEG signals, I want to create a new BCI with more channels (64 channels plus control channels) that is easy to transport, easy to use, and effective in signal capture. I want it to be for everyday use, not for research. It should be something that patients can use. Therefore, it must have at least 64 channels initially, and as the app becomes more specialized, reduce the number of channels based on needs. I'm even reading about printed sensors with special ink or conductive materials. What do you think? The problem is that I don’t have resources. I’ll be doing this at home. Any opinion or help would be welcome.


I agree with your vision, I must say we are also moving in this direction,
you can also look in this direction
or other open-source sources

It's interesting. If we managed to create a printed BCI with PEDOT for the sensors, reducing so much wiring would help with mobility. Then, it would be good to add a chip like a Nano Sense to work with, even if it's with LiteTensorFlow.




I'looking for how to do the printing.i've seen that the ink affordable i can be purcharsed, but the problem os how printing on the lycra cap.

Yes, it sounds interesting and makes sense, but for now we are just buying electrodes, in the future I hope we will switch to production