PiEEG Shop


Low-cost brain-computer interface with shield ardEEG (Shield for Arduino) to measure EEG, EMG, and ECG bio-signals for 8 EEG channels


Features & Specifications

  • Compatible with Arduino UNO R4 WiFi 
  • 8 channels for connecting wet or dry electrodes
  • Data transfer via SPI protocol with a frequency from 250 SPS to 16 kSPS and a resolution of 24 bits per channel
  • Programmable signal gain: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
  • Ability to measure impedance
  • Easy programming with the provided open-source software for reading and processing data in Python

All technical details on GitHub YouTube

ardEEG is not a medical device and has not been certified by any government regulatory agency for use with the human body. You are fully responsible for your personal decision to purchase this device and, ultimately, for its safe use. Please read LIABILITIES.

Why Is ardEEG

You know Arduino tools for learning electronics, in this case, Arduino with ardEEG for learning biosciences.

Arduino stands as one of the most esteemed microcontrollers learning boards in the world, it is very comfortable device to learn electronics.  Connections between ardEEG and Arduino provide great opportunity make step from electronics to neuroscience. The main advantage of this setup it is opportunity to use ardEEG as wearable device, since it is very low power consumption and very small weight and dimensions. Therefore, this is an excellent solution for using this device for demanding tasks, such as robotic arm manipulation, or health monitoring, etc

We provide comprehensive software packages, along with all requisite technical documentation and extensive user support for PiEEG device enthusiasts

Potential application 

Real Time EEG Based Cognitive Brain Computer Interface for Control Applications via Arduino Interfacing

Mind-controlled wheelchair using an EEG headset and arduino microcontroller

Early Drowsiness Detection utilizing Arduino Based on Electroencephalogram (EEG) Neuro-Signal

EEG-based brain controlled prosthetic arm

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